The Greenhouse, Part II

A few weeks ago we planted some of our first seeds in our newly renovated greenhouse.  A bit more than two weeks later, you can already see the new plants shooting up.  Despite being a chilly day, the greenhouse manages to stay quite hot. Below, you can see water droplets that have held on to … Continue reading

Green Lifestyle Tips: Creating Eco-Friendly Cleaning Supplies

It’s that time of year, again…time for spring cleaning! Unfortunately, many products and chemicals that we use to make our homes sparkle and gleam can be harmful to the environment, our families, and ourselves.  Here are some recipes for effective household cleaners that are easy and cheap to make, and gentle on the environment! Basic … Continue reading

Rocket Launch

We’ve had some beautiful weather here this weekend, and a number of guests had the opportunity to build and launch a model rocket!  Rocket building is one of our more frequent weekend activities, and is always a guest favorite.  With perfect weather and early morning sun, it was a great day for everyone to watch … Continue reading

Healthy Kids Day 2011

Yesterday afternoon, the Frost Valley YMCA participated in the Y’s  Healthy Kids Day, a national initiative that seeks to improve the health and wellbeing of families everywhere.  Despite the rainy weather, turnout was good, and families and kids had a good time all around, checking out booths with suggestions for improving diets, making good lifestyle … Continue reading

Frost Valley Raptor Center

One of the less well known programs at the Frost Valley YMCA is our Raptor Center, home to several owls and hawks who have sustained injuries.  Because most of these birds have damage to a wing, they are unable to fly and can no longer survive in the wild.  Instead, they continue to live with … Continue reading

The Y Climbing Tower

One of the most popular and most frequently requested activities at the Frost Valley YMCA is our gigantic Y shaped climbing tower.  Built in 2007, this tower is over 50 feet high and is one of a kind, built specifically for this facility.  With four different sides to climb, this tower offers a range of … Continue reading

The Greenhouse

At the beginning of the winter, our greenhouse was given a complete renovation.  The plastic has been replaced, and everything inside has been cleaned out.  This has allowed us to begin the process of replanting for the upcoming season, and has given some of our staff the chance to improve their understanding of planting and … Continue reading

April 8-10th Schedule

The Schedule for the Weekend of April 8th-10th has been posted!  Click here or go to the schedules tab to view this weekend’s activities.


After a long and very snowy winter, we are finally seeing some grass and the weather is warming up just a little bit each day!  We are excited about the change of seasons, and really look forward to pulling out all of the spring activities that have been gone for the winter months.  Outdoor Archery, … Continue reading

Welcome to the Weekend!

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